These are the standard dye colors I've been using in my own dyework for years: 3 warm colors, 3 cool colors, a brown and a black by Prochemical. Each dyepot contains enough powder to mix 200mL stock solution (a strong dark color that can then be diluted to your preference). Instructions for how to dye yarn with this kit are included.
> 10 gm pots of the following colors:
- Fuchsia
- Strongest Red
- Sun Yellow
- Golden Yellow
- Mixing Blue
- Turquoise
- Chino
- Cotton Black
> A sample bottle of Synthrapol SP soap
> Dye fixative (soda ash)
> Urea (optional assist in dissolving and painting)
> Instructions and tips for using on yarn
> Color Samples on Tencel™ and unmercerized cotton yarn
This kit focuses on use with yarn, but can be used on any yarn or fabric that is made of 100% cellulose/plant-based fiber (cotton, linen, rayon which includes bamboo and Tencel™). It can be used on silk but with less color predictability. If yarn/fabric is blended with a synthetic fiber, it will only dye the fibers that are plant-based. Not to be used with animal fibers (alkali dyes are bad for animal fibers).
This SDF Dye Kit is specially prepared by Prochemical and Dye. These are the dye colors I choose to use in my studio. For a complete listing of available colors, or for larger quantities, visit